Deciding what type of Life Insurance Policy is right for you, and what face amount you need. Term Life Insurance is the most popular option. Decide what your objective is in buying Life Insurance. Does it require protection for 10, 20, or 30 years? Or do you need a lifetime coverage? How much do you need to accomplish your goals? One of our Life Insurance Specialists will be happy to assit you in determining the kind of life insurance you need.
Completing the Life Insurance Application
An application needs to be completed and signed. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete the application over the phone. You can also do it in EQUOTE’S online application center.
Medical Exam
Once we receive your application, a Medical Exam is next. Someone from the paramed company will call you to arrange a convenient time to either come to your home or place of business. The exam itself takes around 20 minutes to complete. If an EKG is required, it will take a little longer.
Underwriting of your Policy
Once the exam is completed, it is sent directly to the Insurance Company’s underwriting department. There, your application and exam will be processed by professionals who specialize in underwriting and issuing policies. Almost all Insurance Companies request a copy of your past medical records from your personal physician. This allows the underwriter to accurately determine your rate class. Most of us do not get a preferred rate class due to height and weight, medical and family history, or occupation.
Issuing of your Policy
Once your application is approved, the Insurance Company then prints out your policy.
Mailing your Policy
Once the policy is printed out by the company and mailed to us, we check to see that all your information is correct and then we mail your policy to you.