For many people seeking life insurance, the prospect of having to get a medical exam is unpleasant. Many have anxieties concerning blood draws and other invasive tests, while other simply don’t have time in their schedule for a doctor’s visit. Fortunately for the exam averse, there are a few options available to get life insurance without getting poked and prodded by medical professionals.

No exam life insurance policies are offered by several insurers. You have to know where to look to find them, but, for consumers who wish to avoid the hassle and uncertainty of exam-based policies, they’re a godsend. The best way to find no exam life insurance quotes is to use a website that allows you to compare offers from several companies at once.
In general, you’ll pay a little more for no exam coverage than you will for regular policies. Coverage limits also tend to be a bit lower for no exam coverage. Consumers purchasing no exam policies will need to carefully read all coverage information to ensure they understand the conditions and limits of their policies.
For men and women who feel pre-existing health conditions could deny them coverage, business owners who need a small policy fast as collateral, or people with an aversion to doctor’s offices, no exam policies offer a great alternative to traditional life insurance.
Equote connects people searching for quality, affordable life insurance with some of the best insurers in the industry. For consumers searching for hassle-free, no medical exam policies, Equote can help them find the right policy that will provide the peace of mind their families deserve.